
“My mother-in-law, Jessie Paton, decided at the age of 92 that it was time to enter the Pembilier Nursing Center. Her body was wearing out and she did not want to be a burden to the family. Even with her positive attitude, admitting her was one of the hardest things we ever had to do. The administration and staff not only made Jessie feel welcome, our entire family became part of the PNC “family.” Fortunately, we live very close and were able to visit every day. We found ourselves scheduling our visits around her busy activity calendar. We were encouraged to hold any family events and holidays at the center, and we became very involved in the bus trips and helping take the residents to community activities. We soon found ourselves very involved at PNC and remain so today.
Jessie was a resident at PNC for four years, and when her husband, Lawson, had to be admitted due to poor health, we had no second thoughts that PNC would be his new home. He was a resident for nearly a year, and we can’t say enough of what a positive experience it was, not only for him, but for the whole family. I encourage anyone to check out the facility and feel free to contact us about any questions or concerns.”